Pregnancy check-up - Before and After the Baby's Birth

Pregnancy checks up is essential to find out thalassemia status, Status of infections caused by HIV, Hepatitis B, and C, as well as general check-ups. Also, certain tests such as the TSH test, Hemoglobin test, and Blood sugar test are performed when early signs of pregnancy are noted.

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As soon as you plan to start a family or plan to get pregnant or conceive, you need to know that there are certain initial health check-ups that must be done by both the partners to get sure on their baby planning to ensure you stay healthy and have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. If you are thinking that how to get pregnant fast then firstly go for these medical tests. You should know some pregnancy symptoms and best pregnancy tips to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Over to everything you should not forget to keep tracking your ovulation period.

1. Thalassemia status:

Thalassemia Major is a type of a blood disorder, which is genetically transmitted from parents to the baby. Babies born with this blood disorder are anemic and require repeated blood transfusions to survive and it's hard for them to survive with it. A person who is carrying the gene of thalassemia major may not always manifest the disease to the born baby and is then known as a thalassemia minor. If both the partner, husband, and wife both have the gene of thalassemia major then, there is a 1 in 4 chance that the baby will have thalassemia major blood disorder. However, prenatal testing and medical tests can be carried out to ascertain the possibility and a diseased fetus could be aborted directly if needed. If one partner has thalassemia major gene and the other doesn't then there is no way the baby can get thalassemia major blood disorder. Therefore, a couple must be medically tested for this disease. If you are thinking that how to get pregnant fast then firstly go for these medical tests. You should know some pregnancy symptoms and best pregnancy tips to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Over to everything you should not forget to keep tracking your ovulation period.

2. Infection Status for HIV, Hepatitis B, and C:

Infections like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Care sexually transmitted diseases and as well as can be transferred from an infected mother of these diseases to her baby. So, all to be moms should know that it is important to know if they are infected or not. Vaccination is available against hepatitis B to prevent transmission of this disease to the newborn baby. If you are thinking that how to get pregnant fast then firstly go for these medical tests. You should know some pregnancy symptoms and best pregnancy tips to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Over to everything you should not forget to keep tracking your ovulation period.

3. General Health Check-up:

Hemoglobin (anemia), Thyroid screen (TSH test) and Blood Sugar (Diabetes). These are the diseases which are common in Indian women population and may not have specific symptoms for these diseases so, a prenatal a check-up may rule out the possibilities of complications during pregnancy and may not have a healthy pregnancy

Rubella, or German measles immunity
Chickenpox immunity
Hepatitis B immunity
Other STDs (such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea)
Thyroid problems (with a TSH test)

Other conditions, such as toxoplasmosis and parvovirus B19 (also called the fifth disease)

Depending on your above medical tests, the doctor will then recommend these below mentioned medical tests:

Sickle cell anemia

Thalassemia (an inherited form of anemia)

Genetic diseases common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, such as Tay-Sachs disease
If it's time for you to update your vaccinations, it's important to do so before you plan to get pregnant. Certain vaccinations, such as varicella (the virus that causes chickenpox), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), or hepatitis. Expert doctors advise that you should patiently wait for at least 28 days after receiving these vaccinations before trying to conceive.

If you are thinking that how to get pregnant fast then firstly go for these medical tests. You should know some pregnancy symptoms and best pregnancy tips to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Over to everything you should not forget to keep tracking your ovulation period.


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