Hair Transplant

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is the surgical restoration of lost hair. The art and science have evolved significantly to the present day surgery which provides the natural hair with no complications. The surgery involves harvesting hair roots from the permanent zone of the scalp, beard, and body which are then implanted on the bald area. The implanted roots grow into adult hair within 6-12 months.

What is the procedure of Hair Transplant?

First, Dr. bhar cleans your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of the head. He will choose one of two methods for the transplant: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

With FUSS, Dr. bhar removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. He sets it aside and sews the scalp closed. This area is immediately hidden by the hair around it.

Next, Dr. bhar's team divides the strip of removed scalp into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each with an individual hair or just a few hairs. The number and type of graft you get depend on your hair type, quality, color, and the size of the area where you’re getting the transplant.

If you’re getting the FUE procedure, at Harley StreetSurgery, Dr. Bhar's team will shave the back of your scalp. Then, Dr. Bhar will remove the hair follicles one by one from there. The area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will cover.

After that point, both procedures are the same. After he prepares the grafts, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes. He’ll probably get help from other team members to plant the grafts, too.

Depending on the size of the transplant you’re getting, the process will take about 4 to 8 hours. You might need another procedure later on if you continue to lose hair or decide you want thicker hair.

What is the expectation and recovery time?

After the surgery, the scalp may be very tender. You may need to take pain medications for several days. Dr. bhar will have you wear bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two. He may also prescribe an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug for you to take for several days. Most people are able to return to work 2 to 5 days after the procedure.

Within 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will see 50-60% of new hair growth after 6 to 9 months. Contact us for more.


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