Facts to be considered to boost IVF Success

Fact 1: Age

Your age is an important IVF success factor to think about. Younger women have higher probabilities of falling pregnant after In vitro fertilization but being an older woman with fewer or inferior quality eggs impact the success rates negatively. The live birth rate for women below thirty-five is 40%. However, ladies over the age of forty-two have a 40% success rate on an average.

Fact 2: Previous physiological state

Your success with IVF also depends upon the fact whether you have given birth previously with the same partner. If you were pregnant previously with the same partner that’s presently undergoing IVF treatment, there's a bigger expectation of IVF success. Factors like a history of recurrent miscarriage or a different partner might scale back the possibilities of IVF success.

Fact 3: Types of fertility issues

While some male infertility issues do impact the success of IVF, factors like uterine abnormalities, exposure to DES or fibroid tumors additionally decrease the probability of success with IVF. It’s important to know that the success of IVF is dependent on the ovulation process. Ovarian dysfunction as shown by high FSH levels indicates a low ovarian reserve and can reduce the possibilities of IVF success. Factors, which lower pregnancy rates and limit success with IVF lead to intake of great amounts of ovulation stimulation medicine during the procedure. When each partner is infertile with lower probabilities for IVF success, factors like the length of time you've been infertile is vital to think about. The possibilities of IVF success decrease with the type of fertility they have been suffering from like primary or secondary.

Fact 4: Use of donor eggs

Donor eggs are a major help, particularly if you're over 35-40 and not able to produce good quality eggs in sufficient numbers. Factors like quality of egg and age of donor are necessary. Using donor eggs from younger women may increase the possibilities of pregnancy for women over forty.

Fact 5: Lifestyle habits

Stop smoking if you wish to boost your possibility of getting a baby. In fact, a woman is needed to stop smoking at least three months before beginning IVF treatment. Following are the factors that a smoker has to consider if they are trying to conceive:

Smokers need higher dosages of fertility medications to stimulate their ovaries.

Smokers have lower implantation rates than nonsmokers.

Women who smoke need nearly twice as many IVF attempts.

Women who smoke are likely to experience a lot of failing fertilization cycle.

You need to think about losing weight if you're overweight or obese. Female who are overweight have redoubled risk of infertility as well as miscarriage. Overweight ladies even have less fertilization success rate with fertility treatments than women of normal weight. Thin women also are at a bigger risk of a failed IVF cycle. Bottom line is that one should aim to remain within the healthy weight range.

Fact 6: The Fertility Clinic

The center you decide on for IVF treatment will greatly affect the chances of IVF success. Factors to consider once reviewing the success rate of fertility centers include:

Training and knowledge of the fertility clinic and staff.
Live birth rate per fertilization cycle started.
The rate of patients pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets or more).
The laboratory used by the clinic and therefore the qualifications of their staff.
The types of patients accepted at the clinic, a lot of specifically their age and fertility drawback
Keep in mind that some clinics simply accept patients even when the chances of success are low or they may concentrate on specific treatments only and therefore may not be the best suited for you.


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