Causes of Bedwetting Habit in Kids:

Bedwetting habit in kids is usually related to deep sleep, it is the condition when the bladder is full but the child doesn’t wake up. Some children have smaller bladders or produce more urine while sleeping in the night. Constipation can lead to bedwetting due to the bowel presses the bladder.

If your child has wet the bed regularly, but for the last 6 months or more of dry nights, there is nothing “wrong” with your little one. This type of bedwetting is not due to any medical, emotional or behavioral problems.

But if your child has been dry overnight for at least 6 months and starts to wet the bed again, then it is a cause of concern, talk with your doctor.

See More: Asthma Care Plan

Does Bedwetting Run in Families?

Yes, it's true. Actually, scientists have discovered a gene for bedwetting. If one of the parents of a child who wet the bed when they were young is around 25% more likely to wet to the bed. If both parents wet the bed in their childhood, then the number rises to about 65%.

When do Children Outgrow Bedwetting?

Most children stop doing bedwetting on their own over time.

By the age of 5, 15% of children wet the bed.

By the age of 8, 6% to 8% of children wet the bed.

Without treatment, around 2% of children still wet the bed by 15 years of age.


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