Natural Ways for Dealing with Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Pregnancy for women comes as a blessing (well, for the most part). While a pregnant woman would happily describe their gestational period as an exceptional experience, none of them are every fond of morning sickness. That sudden surge of nausea along with hurling the contents of the stomach is definitely not a nice feeling.

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Morning sickness varies from person to person, the severity, the timings, and every single aspect of it. While one woman might experience it only in the mornings of the first trimester, someone else might experience these symptoms in the later stage of their pregnancy.

What is Morning Sickness?

Nausea Gravidarum, otherwise commonly known as morning sickness is a very common symptom that accompanies pregnancy. It often leaves the would-be mother feeling dizzy, nauseous and uneasy throughout or through certain stages of the pregnancy.

The severity, time interval and even the type of morning sickness varies from person to person and doesn’t come with a set rule book. But the aftermath is all the same – tiring and taxing on the person.

When Does Morning Sickness Start?

If you go to Google and look through the tags concerning pregnancy and morning sickness, this is probably the most frequently asked question. So, why is that? Primarily because the pregnant women want to be ready for this beforehand and that is well and good.

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How Early Can Morning Sickness Start?

According to gynecologists and experts, it is believed that the signs and symptoms of morning sickness start imbibing and worming its way through right at the 6 weeks mark of your gestation period (two weeks after you have missed your periods).

That being said, there are even possibilities that you may be hit with your morning sickness right in the two to three weeks mark of your pregnancy. Sounds shocking, doesn’t it? It is often considered as the first signs of your pregnancy. But, the signs and symptoms relating to pregnancy and morning sickness always vary from woman to woman and no two is the same.

How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?

It is believed and seen (for the most part) that the common duration of these signs of morning sickness lasts and prolongs till the end of the first trimester. But, even that varies from person to person. So, even that is not something constant.

But, on common and generalized medical terms, you are expected to get rid of morning sickness by the time you attain the 12-15 weeks mark in your pregnancy. But if you are cursed with a piece of bad luck, there are chances that the morning sickness can extend up till the second trimester as well.

What Causes Morning Sickness?

Do you know that you feel like the earth is going to shatter when you are hit with the wave of nausea because of morning sickness but the worst part? There is very little reasoning behind why the same actually does happen.

While doctors suggest that it is the haywire of hormonal levels in the body that causes this feeling of nausea, there is very little concrete evidence to back those claims up.

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That being said, some of the common causes behind the morning sickness during pregnancy include:

Level of Estrogen: It is believed that the sudden surge in the estrogen levels in the body during pregnancy (which is 100 times more than normal) is what causes the would-be mother to feel nauseous and uneasy during the early stages of pregnancy. But there are little to no evidence to actually back those claims up and find a correlation between the two.

Levels of Progesterone: Much like the levels of estrogen, even the levels of progesterone are high during the pregnancy which sure does contribute to morning sickness. The heightened levels of progesterone in the body often tend to relax the muscles of the stomach and small intestine, thereby causing distension and enabling the excess secretion of stomach acids.

Hypoglycemia: Pregnancy is a very taxing phase in a woman’s life which takes a toll on her own health. That being said, it is believed that sometimes the lowered glucose levels in the mother’s body, caused by the draining of the energy by the placental attachment often contributes to weakness and dizziness that one feels like a symptom of their morning sickness.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone is yet another possible connection for the inception of morning sickness in a pregnant woman. It is secreted by the embryo following conception and then by the placenta. The heightened levels of this hormone are often considered as a common cause behind the morning sickness during pregnancy.

Heightened aversion to certain smells: Smell and certain odor is yet another common cause of morning sickness. What you might have liked during the normal days might be something you hate he smell of when you are pregnant. This unpleasant smells also sometimes contribute to making you feel nauseous.

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